Wednesday, May 29, 2024

What's Up Wednesday, May 2024 Edition


Good Lord, I suck at the blogging, recently. In my defense, my life has been pretty dull; I am merely saving you all from boredom by not writing. I could not, however, let a month go by without at least posting for What's Up Wednesday; this is, quite literally, the only way that I am documenting our lives at this point, and I'm grateful to Sheaffer and Shay for providing the writing prompts.

What I've Been Eating

The most memorable meals of the past month have been the hamburger with a side of chili Mac 'n ' Cheese that I had while Mom and I were shopping for bedding plants at the nursery in Pixler..

...and the stacked pork chops smothered in gouda, sundried tomatoes, and balsamic that I had at the Country Club restaurant the night that we went to the local community theater to catch their production of Somethings Rotten.

What I'm Reminiscing About

As I have been working on the flowerbeds, I've thought a lot about the flowerbeds that my Grandma Molly had in her yard in Mayberry; she had the world's greenest thumb and both her flowers and vegetables were always plentiful. I have been remembering her dahlias, specifically, since that is one of the flowers that I am most excited to see grow in my beds. To that end, I purchased both tubers and established plants, which both seem to be coming along. I did have to snip the flowers off the established plants, to encourage additional growth and blooms, which seems counterproductive, but is actually the way of nature. Grandma Molly knew these things.

What I'm Loving

The Man-Cub and Daughter-in-Love had their official engagement shoot done by their wedding photographer. The pictures turned out great and gave me an idea of the editing style that they are going for. It's different from the style I edit in, which is a refreshing change.

My old wicker porch furniture was reaching the end of its lifecycle (I purchased it in 2009), so I tracked down a replacement set on the Bed Bath and Beyond website. I thought they had gone out of business, but apparently, they just closed the brick and mortar stores, because the website is alive and well. The new set was on clearance, so I ended up paying less than I did originally, all those years ago, plus the shipping was free.

The furniture fits right in, obviously.

I also got my porch flowers planted for the season. I opted not to use as many petunias, since they get so leggy by August, and I want the porch to be in the best shape possible while we are hosting family and friends for the wedding. The petunias I did pick up are purple, which is a departure from the colors I usually go for.

What I've Been Up To

Mom and I hit a barn sale earlier this month and I scored a few cool items. We also attended the play I mentioned earlier, as well as visiting several nurseries in search of bedding plants.

On the work front; I have been planning our upcoming golf tournament fundraiser, as well as trying to keep my head above water with all of the usual duties that come along with the job.

What I'm Working On

The flower bed on the berm under our tree in the front yard had gotten completely overgrown with bindweed and grass, which was choking out my peonies and anything else that once thrived in the bed. Over Mother's Day weekend, Hugh and the Man-Cub ripped everything (except for the peonies) out, tilled up the soil, and raked it smooth for me to start the process of replanting.

I chose perennials that will, hopefully, spread out and return next year, including more peonies, three varieties of lilies, delphinium, salvia, and foxglove. I also scattered wildflower seeds, which may, or may not, germinate, grow, and spread. Time will tell.

In the backyard, I planted seeds for flowers in the raised beds, as well as two pots of tomatoes, a pot of herbs, and a pot of mint. Hugh is scandalized by my not planting vegetables, but he understands that I am trying to grow flowers for the various wedding festivities that are to come this summer.

And, speaking of wedding festivities; I will be throwing the bridal shower for Shanti next month, so I have been working on the invitations. 

The theme of the shower is Love is Timeless, and I will be using a lot of vintage decor, so I decided to do something different with the invites; I printed them on ladies' handkerchiefs. It was super easy to do, with iron-on transfers and the end result was pretty sweet. I have already received a lot of compliments on how different and unique they are.

What I'm Dreading

I wouldn't say I'm actually dreading anything right now. I do have some work stuff looming over my head, but I've decided to let future me handle future problems; she'll rock it.

What I'm Excited About

Next week, my staff and I are starting golf lessons again! We attended the final Wild Women Wednesdays golf clinic of the season last year and we were hooked, so; I signed us up for all three sessions this summer. I know I am going to have to relearn everything that the golf pro taught us last year, but I am determined to become somewhat capable of swinging the clubs.

What I'm Reading

The good news is that I am actually reading! I finished I'm Glad My Mom Died, by Jennette McCurdy, and The Rumor by Elin Hildebrand, which was, I'll admit; a reread for me (I'm anxiously awaiting my signed copy of Swan Song, which is going to be her final book set in Nantucket). I also purchased The Women, by Kristin Hannah, but haven't started it because I know it's going to be heavy and I prefer lighter literary fare for the summertime (which is why I also reread Hildebrand's Summer Affaire and am now rereading The Castaways).

What I'm Watching

I finished the second season of Farmer Wants a Wife, to see if Farmer Brandon, our hometown boy, lucked out in love. Spoiler; he did not. The Valley isn't for everyone, y'all.

I'm watching Under the Bridge. Since it is based on a true story, I already know how it ends, but I am still enjoying it. I loved Riley Keough in Daisy Jones and the Six, and it's interesting to watch her talent expand in this drama.

The most entertaining thing that I watched this month, however, was the gender reveal Zoom for Trevor and Miss Mia. Yes, that's right; our Miss Mia is having a baby! A girl, to be exact! For those of you following along, that means that both of the brides for whom Queen B stood up as Maid of Honor/Bridesmaid last summer are already in the family way (Katie Girl is also having a girl!). I think Queen B is a good luck charm for gals who want to jumpstart their families.

What I'm Listening To

I recently downloaded an Essential 80's playlist to my Apple Music account and I have been listening to it while I clean the house. The 80's had some of the best music, and I'm not just saying that because I am an old GenXer, reliving my youth. Although, there is that. 

What I'm Wearing

It's finally sandal season, y'all! I got a pedicure and everything!

What I'm Doing This Weekend

On Friday, I am catching a flight to Dallas to spend the weekend with Queen B! We are staying in a hotel in Fort Worth and will be on the hunt for an appropriate Mother of the Groom dress for the wedding. We also plan to eat some good food and to get in some pool time before I have to catch my flight back to Hooterville on Sunday. It's going to be a whirlwind trip, but I am so looking forward to seeing my girl!

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month

I am looking forward to the shower for Shanti and to spending as much quality time as I can outside in the sunshine. I'm super hopeful that Hugh will get the boat out of drydock and that we will get to spend some time on the lake. Fingers crossed!

Favorite Amazon Purchase This Month

As I mentioned earlier, I am going with a vintage theme for Shanti's bridal shower, so these handkerchiefs will feature in some of the decor, along with old quilts, retro table linens, and mismatched china plates that I am sourcing through local thrift stores, antique shops, and online.

I absolutely love the colors and reproduction designs in these handkerchiefs and am happy with how well they coordinate with the actual vintage table linens.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Prepare For a Motherlode of Pictures

Happy Day After Mother's Day!

Or, if that's not your jam; happy Monday!

Mother's Day is my jam, so I'll tell you all about how we celebrated it.

On Saturday morning, Mom and I met up bright and early for a little jaunt to an antique sale several towns over.

My friend, who helped to make Pickin' at the Pea the legend that it has become, has started a new co-op with several new vendors; her new sale took place in a brand new barn, and friend, if I were to have a barn, this is exactly the kind of barn that I would want to have.

It. Was. Gorgeous.

And just look at the view from the barn!

The only drawback to the sale was the fact that the majority of vendors were upstairs. Did Mom let that deter her? No, no she did not; she took those stairs like a boss.

She was glad she did, too. The loft area of the barn was simply amazing. Seriously, if this is what barns are all about, sign me up! I happen to know that Hugh could build me a copycat barn, he has the skills; we just need to hand him a napkin so he can sketch it out and I'm sure he'll get right on it. He will, of course, point out the fact that I don't need a barn because I don't have animals, to which I will naturally respond that I don't need animals, Hugh; I have antiques.


While there were a few common vendors at the sale; the vibe was very different from Pickin' at the Pea. The Pea features a whimsical, funky collection of what we refer to as junque; not quite junk, but close. Think lots of rust, repurposed metals, industrial items, etc.

The barn sale was a lot more curated and the displays were gorgeous. 

I have the opposite of buyer's remorse; I should have bought that camera and I did not 😭

Mom and I did each take home a few treasures, but not before visiting with friends who were also at the sale, which; is always the best part of these events, in my opinion.

On the way back to Petticoat Junction, we stopped at a nursery to look at the flowers. This particular nursery is well known for their hanging baskets, which are gorgeous and huge. Far too large and heavy for either mine or Mom's needs.

They did, however, have a selection of really healthy Bleeding Hearts. Mom used to have a Bleeding Heart in the back yard at the house in Mayberry; it was her pride and joy until Dad accidentally (I think) killed it. Mom. Was. LIVID. In fact, I'm pretty sure that was his one and only transgression for which she never offered him forgiveness.

So, I bought her a new plant for her yard in Hooterville. I'm sure Dad gave an immediate heavenly thumbs up to the purchase (also, I'm sure she'll finally forgive him when they meet again).

Now, I bet you're on the edge of your seat waiting to hear what I did buy at the Barn Sale. Let's just say  that: this purchase is a great indicator that I am entering my Granny Era.

She's an old bird cage stand, repurposed as a plant hanger! And the fern came with her!

Why do I think this heralds the Granny Era? Because my Grandma Molly had the biggest fern in the history of ferns and I cannot see one without thinking of her.

I'm totally ok with it. Plus, that stand is going to look adorable on my porch.

I also got this antique mirror. It's super heavy and I'm not sure where I am going to hang it just yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

Later Saturday evening, Mom and I had dinner at the restaurant at the country club. I hadn't taken her there yet, and I thought she would enjoy it.

I had hoped to sit on the patio, but the Colorado weather wasn't having it, so we sat inside. The view was still pretty nice, though.

And the food was delicious. Mom had shrimp scampi and I had the stacked pork chops, which were smothered in melted gouda, spinach, and sundried tomatoes. 

After dinner, we went to the community theater to watch the final performance of this year's season. The play was great and I am definitely planning to renew my season tickets for the next season. 

By the time I got home, I was wiped out, so I slept in a little bit on Sunday morning. Then, my Mother's Day celebration consisted of ordering Hugh and the Man-Cub around the yard as they gave me the only gift I had requested: fresh mulch in the flowerbeds and a newly tilled space for a wildflower garden.

It was a perfect way to spend the day.

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Life Lately

It's been some time since I wrote a Life Lately post, or, any post at all, truthfully. Life has been busy, indeed. I won't be able to capture just how busy in this post, alone but; I am going to do my best to document some of what we've been up to since the beginning of the month.

I decided to make a more concerted effort to spend less time on my phone and more time doing things that don't include screens. This includes reading more, so; I purchased a few books (I decided to include my Kindle in the screen ban). So far, I've finished two out of the three books that I purchased. 

I am working on the shoes that Shanti will be wearing at the reception in August. The Man-Cub's are up next.

I've been spending as much time as possible with the Boomer Dog. He loves going into the hardware store with me on Sunday mornings, where he gets to fraternize with Otis.

Shanti and I are still plugging away at the flower arch for the ceremony. It's been more fun than I expected, and is turning out better than I'd feared.

I don't know if I've mentioned that I am getting a new clothing subscription box or not. If not, I'll do that now. I used to have a Stitch Fix membership, but was consistently disappointed in the selection that my stylists sent me, so I unsubscribed quite a while ago. 

I'm now subscribed to Wantable, and, so far, I am impressed. The quality of the clothing is decent, and, while the price point is sometimes ridiculous; I do generally find myself keeping a few items from each box. I only get a box every three months, so it doesn't feel at all overwhelming, either.

I kept three items from my most recent box, including a tee shirt, sundress, and a pair of palazzo pants (not pictured).

Since it is already May, I feel somewhat behind on my spring household chores. I did, however, manage to power wash the porch. Unfortunately, I haven't done much else. My ancient wicker set is showing its age in ways that I deemed unacceptable, so I ordered a new set and am awaiting delivery. Once I receive the new set, I will finish opening the porch, but, in the meanwhile; it feels good not to have to look at utter filth every time I step out the front door.

In addition to getting the porch washed, I also got the raised beds planted. I'm doing something completely different this year; I'm planting flowers instead of vegetables. We are hoping to have enough flowers this summer to fill the vases for the centerpieces at the wedding; this will cut down on the flower budget for Shanti's parents, as well as fitting the vintage wildflower theme that Shanti is hoping to achieve for the reception.

There's a little pressure there, to be honest.

Since I'm a little worried about starting all of the flowers from seed, I will also be planting some summer perennials in the flowerbeds and on the berm in the front yard. Luckily, the local nurseries are jam packed with options right now.

While I'm not doing a vegetable garden, I am still planning to pick up some tomatoes and peppers for the pots in the garden. I also grabbed my usual basil plant for the kitchen window. I added a water globe that is supposed to be a mushroom, but that strongly resembles a chubby penis. I'm not quite sure how I feel about it yet.

The weather hasn't exactly been nice here in Petticoat Junction, but the lilacs have started blooming, regardless. I love lilacs and wish that Hugh and I had been successful in establishing some around our house, alas, we were not. So, I have been gathering cuttings from the bushes in the backyard at Not So New Job and enjoying them, there.

And, on a completely unrelated topic; here is a totally gratuitous picture of Guinness. He's been more clingy than usual and it's become standard protocol for him to cuddle in the minute I sit down. I'm not complaining.

And, since we are now on the topic of cats; here is a recent picture of Queen B and Nemo, who is almost 100% recovered from her amputation. She's adapted pretty well to life on three paws, and has returned to her usual sweet self (she was...not sweet...there for a minute. Understandably, I mean, of course).

And that's about it for life lately. I would apologize for the photo dump, but, since this is the only post I've managed so far this month, I feel somewhat justified.
