Sooooo....closing out month number two of the corona virus lock down; everyone hanging in there? Have you perfected your mask-making, bread baking, TikTok making skills yet? Great! Just in time for the gradual release back into the wild. It's also time to link up with
Sheaffer and
Shay for What's up Wednesday, so, let's get to it!
What We're Eating
I've done my best to strike a balance between cooking at home and supporting our favorite local restaurants by ordering take-out. Home cooking has included a fabulous Easter dinner, featuring a glazed ham that was to die for...
...four different varieties of pizza, cooked on the grill...
...and an attempt to recreate my favorite risotto from one of our favorite Italian restaurants...
...while take-out has consisted of the risotto upon which I based my copycat recipe...
...and BBQ chicken sandwiches and spicy wings from our favorite greasy spoon diner (not pictured because my hands were too messy from the sauce to attempt a photo).
What I'm Reminiscing About
Recent events have led me to reminisce about simpler times, when the last thing on my mind was a pandemic. I've thought a lot about my childhood, about spending time at my grandparent's house and about the lilacs that grow in my parent's backyard. I miss lilacs. I miss my grandparents. And I desperately miss my Dad.
Not being able to go home to see Mom has been the hardest part of this situation, and, while I know she is healthy and safe; I would give anything to spend an afternoon with her on the back patio, sipping tea, and breathing in the scent of those damn lilacs.
What I'm Loving
The car wash finally reopened and I am loving having a clean car again. I also love the brief respite that it gives me from my daily stress; I just sip on my Starbucks iced skinny cinnamon dolce latte and let the wash rinse away my anxiety.
I am also loving the warmer weather that we have been having and the fact that the flowers are starting to bloom, including these tulips, which, haven't bloomed in my flowerbeds in years.
And, speaking of that warmer weather...
What I'm Up To
In what little spare time I've had, I've been purging and organizing. So far, I've finished the large closet in the mudroom, the closet in my office, a cabinet in the garage, three drawers in my bathroom, and the pantry. I can only imagine what I would have been capable of had I gotten the whole quarantine experience and not just weekend isolation.
What I'm Working On
I managed a garage photo shoot for Cooper's first birthday, and, the pictures turned out great! I haven't done a ton of photography since I started New Job and I am missing it, terribly. Since this worked out so well, I am thinking that I may just have to offer more "studio" sessions once the world returns to normal; I have all of the equipment, I may as well take advantage of it.
What I'm Dreading
I suppose saying I'm dreading things at New Job is getting rather old, but; I'm dreading things at New Job. I recently submitted an important application and now I am waiting to hear what I will need to submit in order to strengthen it prior to a site visit later in the fall. Since it was my first time writing an application for an industry that I was completely clueless about until three months ago; I am guessing that there will be a lot to amend. This keeps me up at night, along with about five million other issues about the job. I really need to win the lottery, friends.
What I'm Excited About
My hair stylist should be able to open shop again next week! I will finally get to deal with the skunk streak currently running down the center of my head! And, a haircut! Highlights! Low lights! Deep conditioning treatments! I am beside myself with glee and ready to tip like a millionaire with money to spare!
What I'm Watching
Like the rest of the nation, I was a captive audience to the T
iger King. Could I have made it through the whole thing if the world hadn't been on lock down? We will never know. Also, do I think Carole Baskin killed her husband? Actually, yes. Yes, I do.
One thing I can thank Covid-19 for is the rediscovery of my love for
Battlestar Galactica. The SyFy Channel ran a marathon the other day and I watched several episodes, then set the rest to record; I've been watching them on and off since. I had forgotten how smartly written and well acted this show was, and I'm so glad I got a chance to enjoy it again.
I also watched something completely out of the box; a Zoom production of The
War of the Worlds, presented by our local community theater. Each member of the cast streamed live from their home, which, had to be challenging to coordinate and produce, but, they did an absolutely amazing job. It provided a Friday night's entertainment to more than 150 people, who logged onto Facebook to watch. I am in awe of their bravery and ingenuity. The show went on! And, the final "curtain call", complete with each actor wearing a mask, is something that brought a chuckle, for sure.
What I'm Reading
I've picked up a few actual novels in the past month; always with the intention to start reading, immediately. Unfortunately, work has kept me from actually doing that, but; I am determined to start them soon. Really. I am. In the meanwhile, I have managed a great start on this how-to manual...
...I mean, how could I
not? It's a wine tutorial, and it's scratch and sniff! Scratch and sniff, people! It doesn't get much more fun than that!
I am also enjoying this book...'s light on the reading, heavy on the photos, and super motivating. Since it doesn't look like Queen B and I will be able to take our trip to Greece later this summer, I am living vicariously through this book. Hopefully, it will provide inspiration for many future trips, once the world tips back onto it's axis.
What I'm Listening To
Currently, I am listening to the birds chirping outside my kitchen window. It's a welcome sound, one that heralds spring and the eventual return of summertime, which, I am craving, desperately.
What I'm Wearing
What else? A freaking
mask! Who would have thought this would be a "normal" part of our everyday ensembles? Lucky for me, Queen B hooked me up with masks that are both stylish and comfortable (or, as comfortable as it gets, anyway).
What I'm Doing This Weekend
The weather is supposed to be in the high 70's again this weekend, which means it should be perfect for spending time on the porch and for working in the flowerbeds. I might even take my bike out for a spin, if I'm feeling energetic enough, and, if I can maintain an appropriate social distance from the rest of the fine folks out seeking recreational activities.
What Else is New
What isn't new? It's crazy times we're living in, folks. Crazy times.