Before I get into the details of my trip to San Antonio, I have to say how deeply saddened I was by Tuesday's school shooting that happened in a small community not far from there. The evil that exists in our world right now can feel so overwhelming and my heart hurts for the families of those precious babies and the two teachers who tried to shield them. I don't know what it will take to stem the violence in our nation, but I believe it starts with a deep dive into our mental health system, which is truly broken. I know there are many who disagree, and, who wish to place the blame on gun rights, etc., but, if someone is truly bent on carnage, they will find a way to carry out their plan and laws are not going to factor into it. Healing a mind and heart would go a lot farther.
Just my opinion, no need to flame me.
So, speaking of precious babies; I made that trip to San Antonio with my first-born. It was so good to see her again and we had a blast from the moment she picked me up at the airport in Dallas to the moment she dropped me off again.
The drive from DFW to our hotel on the San Antonio Riverwalk took just over five hours. It would have taken less time if we were in a hurry, but, as it was; we were content to make frequent stops, including one at a Buc-ees. I had never been to a buc-ees before and, color me impressed. It's like World Market meets Mavericks, with every convenience store staple plus home decor, apparel, souvenirs, and more.
By the time we got to our hotel, we were starving, so, we hit the Riverwalk for a quick dinner at an Irish pub before heading back to our room to watch true crime shows and plan our itinerary for the next day.
Saturday we slept in then headed back to the Riverwalk for brunch at River's Edge, where Queen B sampled the Bloody Marys while I indulged in a delicious mimosa before diving into a yummy omelette. The food, view, and company were all delightful.
When we were completely stuffed, we decided to walk off the calories. In addition to the Riverwalk, we took in the Alamo and the wax museum at Ripley's Believe it or Not.
It was a pretty hot day, so of course we stopped for cool drinks. You know, small ones.
When the drinks proved insufficient to cool us down, we hit the pool back at the hotel. It's been ages since I hung out by a pool so I was stoked. I managed to get a little color on my front and to scorch my backside quite nicely, but, no complaints.
Dinner that night was at a Mexican restaurant back on the Riverwalk, and, although I can't remember the name of it; that in no way detracts from how delicious the food was.
We finished up the day with a stop at Ben & Jerry's for Phish Food before going back to our room for even more true crime watching and a few mini bottles of wine.
Sunday morning, we checked out of our hotel and started the trip to Queen B's house in Stephenville. We stopped for breakfast at an IHOP and spent over an hour waiting for food that arrived cold. Spoiler: We did not order cold dishes. To say we were unimpressed would be an understatement.
We also stopped at a mall on the drive, coming up short in my search for a new purse and experiencing the worst service ever at a Jamba Juice, which, we decided, was fate because the wait for our mediocre (and wrong) drinks kept us from being caught up in the aftermath of a car accident that we encountered on our drive.
The Lord works in ways, my friends.
And, that concludes the San Antonio portion of my trip. The rest of my time in Texas was spent at Queen B and the Rodeo Princess's place. We spent my last day in Texas getting pedicures, which was nice. I asked for the Pina Colada pedi and was intrigued by the fresh fruit that they used; I actually mistook it for a snack tray when they first brought it out. I'm smart like that.
The color I chose for my toes was OPI Mod About You, which is my favorite summer shade. And, now I feel ready to put my best foot forward into summer: tanned, relaxed, and sandal-worthy.
So, thank you, Texas, and, prayers.
So many prayers.