Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Best Defense is a Good Offense

It's cold and flu season, and while I have managed to dodge both bullets for years now, Hugh is often not so lucky. I credit my hardy constitution to the supplements that I take daily, including vitamin D and zinc. I am also a huge advocate for antioxidants and have been using elderberry syrup as a preventative measure for a while now.

The syrup was effective, but it was expensive and, frankly, not very enjoyable to take. Luckily, one of my employees turned me on to the elderberry kit from Purely Parsons; it's a DIY option that replaces commercially made syrup, and both Hugh and I like it.

The kit comes ready to make, with all the ingredients in one packet. You simply pour the packet into a pot, stir in four cups of water, bring to a boil, reduce the heat, and simmer for thirty minutes.

Then, you strain the liquid through a mesh strainer, and allow the syrup to cool to lukewarm before stirring in a half cup of local honey.

The finished syrup is stored in the fridge and dosed out two tablespoons at a time.

I haven't been able to convince Hugh to take additional supplements, but at least he's on board with the elderberry syrup. He'll thank me when he escapes the winter with fewer sniffles.

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