Back in the heyday of blogging, the OG bloggers challenged themselves to write a post a day for the entire month; they called it NaBloPoMo, which is short for National Blog Post Month. I never participated in the challenge, and, if this month is any indication, I could totally start a new trend, entitled NONaBloPoMo. Seriously. I am sucking air on the posting this month.
Anyhoodle, I am posting today, and, I'm linking up with Holly and Patty to do so. Thank goodness for these ladies and their writing prompts or this space would remain blank again today. The topic up for discussion is Holiday Prep.
1. Our favorite holiday traditions have changed a bit over the years, as the kids grew up, but; we still try to keep some alive. For instance, we decorate a gingerbread house most years, we still open new pajamas on Christmas Eve, we decorate cookies and make my Dad's favorite popcorn balls most years, and we watch Christmas Vacation on repeat.
We did start what could become a new tradition last year, when we held a holiday cocktail contest. It was a hit, and we might try it again this year.
3. I usually start shopping casually in October. As the kids have gotten older, gifts have become less of a priority around the holiday and time spent together has taken the top spot. I'm thinking that we will probably start planning a big trip in lieu of presents. At least until they get married and we start getting some grandbabies, anyway (no pressure, kids! Just sayin'!).
4. Depending on the year, I start decorating as early as the first of November; this has usually been when we were traveling out of town for Thanksgiving. On years that we were staying home, I would start the decorating on Thanksgiving evening, once the last of the dinner dishes were cleared and cleaned.
We aren't traveling this year, but I did go ahead and put up my Christmas village already. It will be joined by a multitude of both indoor and outdoor decorations as the weeks go on, including displays of my beloved vintage blow molds and the amazing popcorn garland that Hugh made for me last year.
6. I have a ton of recipes for holiday treats, so many, in fact, that I dedicated an entire month of this blog to them back in December of 2011. Feel free to visit those pages if you like.
7. I used to be fantastically well organized when it came to the holidays; with small kids, I think you have to be. I am less and less regimented these days, but, can echo numerous other posters who recommend making lists. It is also tremendously helpful to have a staging area for the holiday somewhere in your home, if you have the space. I utilize my office/craft room for this purpose, so, this time of year; it looks as though it was hit by a very festive tornado.
8. I do the majority of my gift wrapping in the office/craft room/tornado zone. This is part of the staging that I mentioned in the previous question. Having all of my paper, tape, tags, ribbons, and bows together in one dedicated space makes it much easier to wrap gifts as I purchase them. Does making it easier make me enjoy it more? Add a glass of wine and some Christmas tunes on the record player and, yes, yes it does.
9. I don't really have a favorite holiday coffee drink that I love, but, I wouldn't turn down a peppermint latte, so, no hard pass on this one, exactly.
10. Holiday baking runs in my blood (see December 2011 for proof).
Well, this has been fun! It's one of probably five posts I'll manage this month, so hopefully it wasn't a total bore to read.
Grandpa's popcorn balls at grandma's new digs this year. The tradition will carry on.