One hundred and twenty-two hardy souls who love both golf and a good cause, that's who. And, lucky for us, because we raised slightly over $32,000 for Not So New Job.
The morning dawned bright and clear, with a slight breeze and a very minor chill in the air. We would miss that chill later in the day, when the temperature topped 100 degrees with zero cloud cover or breeze.
This year's tournament took place at the golf course where my staff and I are taking our lessons, so we all feel pretty comfortable on the course and in the clubhouse; this made the tournament a lot less stressful than last year's tournament at a rival course where the staff was in turmoil and many balls were dropped.
As always, we started the day with check-in and breakfast for all the golfers, including a Bloody Mary bar and breakfast burritos. I shot a few pictures of the check-in process, including the massive number of golfcarts needed to shuttle thirty-two foursomes around the course.
This year, we tried something new: a chaos putt! Participants purchased a numbered ball and everyone gathered around hole 18 in a large circle. On the count of three, everyone putted and whoever sank the putt won a prize. Two golfers made the shot, which was really cool. We had a drone overhead, videoing the putt and I can't wait to get the footage.
After the chaos putt and our opening address, we sent the teams off to their assigned holes (the format of the tournament is a scramble) and we loaded up our cart for a day of driving around the course, taking team photos and delivering ice cold water. The water deliveries alone made us the most popular people on the course.
This year, the Man-Cub put his own team in the tournament, including Mikey, who was happy to join.
Hugh also had his team in again this year and they did really well.
By the end of the day, my staff and I were all hot, sunburned, and dehydrated but we agreed that it was a great way to spend a day at work.
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