Tuesday, April 05, 2022

April Is Going To Kill Me

The month is already off to a busy start, with more social engagements in the first three days than I attended in all of March, combined.

Work will be the main culprit in my demise; April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month and we have a host of activities planned in order to raise awareness of the issue, but; more on that as the month goes on.

My first social engagement of the month was also work related, but not directly. I wasn't providing services for victims, but, instead; attending the 7th anniversary celebration of a retail jewelry store that donates its proceeds to my organization. The owner of the store opted for an evening of champagne, snacks, and discounted diamonds for the folks on the VIP customer list. My duty was to mingle with the shoppers and to answer questions about our organization, in the event that someone asked. Mostly, I sipped champagne and took jewelry out of cases for customers to get a closer look. It was actually a fun evening, and we raised $2,000 for our cause.

My second social engagement was a baby shower for Bethany, who is expecting a baby brother for Cooper. Her nursery theme is dinosaurs, so I picked up a few dinosaur-related onesies, a plush baby triceratops, and a raincoat set that was just adorable.

It was a nice shower, and, since I hardly ever get to see Beth and Mama Jill anymore, I was really excited to attend. My friend Tonia, previously known on this blog as BCPE (Booster Club President Extraordinaire) was also in attendance and I haven't seen her since her youngest graduated from High School last year and she started traveling with her husband to his worksites. It was great to catch up.

With everything that I have planned for April, it is going to take a concentrated effort to get anything done at home, but, I am determined. On Sunday, I made a big batch of Skinny Waldorf Salad, which is my go-to snack in the Spring. I don't know why it never occurs to me to crave it any other time of the year, but, it does not.

I also bought groceries and, while I was shopping, I picked up these cannisters to store my various flours. I have a container for all-purpose, one for bread flour, and one for self-rising. I probably should have picked up one for my wheat flour, but, since I store that in the freezer, it slipped my mind.

While I was putzing around in the kitchen, Boomer dog was waiting patiently for me to throw his ball. It should also be noted that April is our anniversary month with Boomer; we adopted him on April 4, 2018.

I also took some time to visit my newest fur-grandbaby. Miss Leia is currently coned due to some aggressive licking of the incision made for her spading. The cone in no way detracts from her preciousness.

And, that about sums up the first three days of April. If you don't hear from me again anytime soon, it is because the month did, indeed, kill me.

Thoughts and prayers, if you please.

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