It's Day Two of the official Pantry Purge and I am 0 for 2 in the picture-taking department; I think it's safe to say that this experiment will not be immortalized in photos for a shot at internet glory.
Eh, I can live with that.
So, what have I managed to scrape together the past couple of meals? Yesterday, we had pot roast, slow-cooked in the crock pot with a sauce mix unearthed from the darkest recesses of the cupboards. This evening, it was one-pot Mexican quinoa, made with quinoa (duh), black beans, corn, tomatoes, vegetable stock, and an assortment of peppers; it was actually really tasty, the Man-Cub even ate it and asked for more (as Oliver said, "Please sir, may I have some more?" Snerk).
I haven't planned tomorrow's menu yet, but, based on the plethora of canned tomato paste in the pantry, some type of pasta is a likely possibility.
In news somewhat related to my culinary skills, the Cub is back in the swing of High School sports; he started basketball prior to Christmas vacation and we finally had our first home game on Saturday. Although the boys lost, they scrapped hard, and, we could not be more proud. What does that have to do with cooking, you ask? Well, I'll tell you: I have volunteered to host a team dinner for the boys next month and the ridiculous number of cans of refried beans and the commercial-sized tub of taco seasoning that I discovered in the pantry will lend themselves quite well to a taco bar menu.
Winner, winner, taco dinner.
I might even remember to take pictures.
Of the food, I mean. Until then, here are some pictures of the boys; I am a mommy blogger after all (Gag).
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