Sunday, November 01, 2015

Hello, November

Another new month! This year is almost over; I can hardly believe it. Happily, November is my birthday month, and, I am going to make the best of it. I've given some thought to this month's goals and a lot of them involve me taking better care of myself, which, considering the fact that I have felt like complete shit since roughly June, is probably wise.

- Cut refined sugar and Diet Pepsi completely out of my diet. AGAIN. I forget how good I feel when I am eating a cleaner diet; I need to remind myself of that fact when the sugar cravings hit.

- Start exercising again. This doesn't have to be a huge chore, it could involve something as simple as a walk on my lunch hour, but, the bottom line is: I have to get moving again.

- Host Thanksgiving dinner. Hopefully, my mom will be able to make it (Stay off my turf, Old Man Winter!).

- Purchase five more Christmas presents and order Christmas cards.

- Treat myself to a facial and a massage.

- Figure out a way to relax. Maybe I should learn how to meditate...or, I could take more baths, with wine.

Last month's goals, it should be noted, were completed in their entirety. But, no pressure, November.

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