Once again, I am a day late with my Friday Favorites post. In my defense, I had friends over and time got away from me while we were catching up. Anyway, here I am, on Saturday, with a bonus post. That's my story and I'm sticking to it (like you care).
This one is going to be short and sweet. Last week, I noticed some pubescent-like eruptions on my face. Folks, I'm at least one solid year into this whole menopause thing; pimples are for children. What the fuck?
Anyhoodle, I booked an appointment for a facial at the day spa in Hooterville and it was glorious. Facials are a favorite, as is being an adult who can afford to get one (sorry, pubescent Chelle! You just had to suffer with the zits because you were a poor).
The last favorite of this post circles back to the first paragraph: the friends that I had over last night! I didn't get any pictures, so you'll have to trust me when I tell you that two of the Old School Booster Club Moms made it over for drinks and snacks on the porch. Booster Club President Extraordinaire (BCPE) wasn't able to join us at the last minute (her father-in-law is having some pretty serious medical issues and Decisions needed to be made. We are all praying for her and her family), and Mama Jill was out of town on assignment; we missed them both. But, we agreed that we need to make this a more regular thing, so I'm sure we'll have other chances to get the entire band back together.
Friends are always a favorite.
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