Where to begin?
How about with the Barn Dance, which took place over a week ago, now? Why has it taken me so long to write about it? Several reasons, the most important of which is the fact that I didn't have the pictures back from the event photographer before now. This is the first year that we've had an event photographer (who wasn't me), and I'm not complaining, at all; I'm just used to having the images immediately. Don't worry, I'll get over that because it was really nice not to be responsible for that aspect of the event in addition to all my other duties.
Anyhoodle, The Barn Dance itself was both wildly successful and a huge shit-show. We thought we were ahead of the game when we set up for the event a full day early, but, Mother Nature was like "Not so fast", and she sent up a rainstorm that had us scrambling to move the entire event under the cover of the arena with less than two hours to spare before the event began. We managed it, and, our guests loved it, but what a complete pain in the ass (and, every other muscle, joint, bit of skin tissue, etc.).
The experience did teach us that the arena is a perfectly reasonable location for the event moving forward, so that is what we intend to do from here-on-out.
One of my favorite parts of the event was having the Man-Cub and the Daughter-in-Love on hand to help with serving dinner. They looked adorable in their saloon-wear and seemed to be having a really good time. Shanti even had Hugh and the Cub arrested by the Sheriff; they spent a hot minute in the jail before they managed to raise enough money to bail them out.

In the other story for another day; Kristi is still here with us in Petticoat Junction, awaiting her official UK Visa. This is a true example of "best laid plans often going awry". Erin flew out on the 18th, as her work Visa was a breeze to acquire, thanks to the fact that she has a job waiting for her in Wales. Kristi's spousal Visa required more information and time, and, despite requesting an expedited review; she is in a holding pattern.
Since the girls already had renters moving into their house, Kristi has been staying with us and is, of course, welcome for as long as it takes, but both girls are getting anxious to have her in the UK.
Erin traveled with their two dogs and has since managed to purchase a car, find a salon in which to get her eyebrows threaded, and made fast friends with the owners of the Airbnb that she is staying in, but she is feeling isolated and ready for Kristi to get there already. I feel for her. That being said, I'm going to enjoy every last minute of the time that I get to spend with Kristi.
I'm going to miss my friends and am looking forward to visiting their new home really soon. But, we'll let that be a story for another day.
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