Monday, June 04, 2007

It Takes a Long Time to Grow and Old Friend
- John Leonard

Friday evening, the kids and I met Jana at the pool for the D-Man’s eighth birthday party. While the kids splashed around in the water, Jana and I cut the ice cream cake and mused over the fact that the Man-Cub and the D-Man have known each other their entire lives.

Minus the eight months that the Man-Cub was alive before the D-Man, that is. But, since he was mostly unaware back then, those eight months totally don't count. Which means that the boys have been friends since the cradle; that’s pretty cool.

Sunday evening, Hugh and I hosted a BBQ. The guests of honor were Oscar’s best friend since childhood and his wife who were visiting from New York. Oscar and Ira get together about once every couple of years to relive the good old days and it was really sweet to watch two grown men rag on each other like long-lost brothers; I could only wonder if the Cub and the D-Man will end up like that.

I can think of worse things.


  1. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I wish that I had kept in closer contact to my friends from my younger years! I have one friend that I see every couple of years but that is not nearly enough. I really hope that the Man Cub and D-Man are truly life friends.

  2. I agree, I hope in 20 years it will be the man cub and D-man having those weekends!
