Tuesday, October 02, 2007

And He Still Found Time to Make a Touch-Down

While standing on the sidelines at last night’s flag football game, the Man-Cub could not keep himself from fiddling with his new mouth guard which, quite frankly, perturbed me and; led to the following conversation:

Chelle: He needs to keep his hands out of his mouth, already. That is disgusting.
Hugh: He’s just getting used to the mouth-guard.
Chelle: Well, it’s unsanitary.
Hugh: It’s normal. It's just going to take a while for him to get used to wearing it. Just like it took him a while to get used to wearing a cup during baseball.
Chelle: Oh god, remember how he used to have his hands in his pants, fiddling with that thing?
Hugh: Yep. And he’s older now; we should be happy he doesn’t have his hands in his pants, fiddling with another piece of his equipment.
Chelle: True, he is your son, after all.
The Girl (running away): Eewww!! Gross! Gross! Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts! Unicorns! Puppies! Rainbows!
Hugh: And she is soooo your daughter.


  1. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Ehh! I'm having to do the "think happy thoughts thing"!

  2. So that's good, they get over the whole playing with themselves in public thing?

  3. LMAO

    Now I will say forever, that when I am scratching, i am just fixing my mouthguard
