Monday, November 19, 2012

Thankful That My Children Are Smarter Than I Am

Both kids made the honor roll again this quarter. This marks the ninth time for The Teenager and the fifth time for the Man-Cub; their father and I can't claim that many times between us. Actually, I don't think either one of us made Honor Roll even once.

My kids are way smarter than I am.

Oh, I'm not stupid, I mean, my mother would definitely want me to let you know that she didn't raise no dummy, but, yeah...not Honor Roll material.

I realize that the kids' achievements boil down to one thing: they apply themselves much more than I ever dreamed.

This is commendable and I hope they know how proud I am of both of them. And, of course, thankful for the opportunities we have to educate them to the best of our financial ability.

And, you know, I hope their intelligence eventually translates into successful careers; careers that provide them each a good living as well as providing their father and me with a cushy retirement in the old folks home of our choosing.

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