Sunday, October 20, 2024

All Because Two (Four, Six, Eight...) People Fell In Love

The gallery of wedding photos the kids received from the photographer contains almost 1000 pictures, which was about what we were expecting, but still a lot to process through. While I won't be posting anywhere near the full gallery on the blog, I do want to highlight our favorite moments.

I decided to start with the family pictures because, truly, that's what weddings are all about, and the photographer did a great job of wrangling us all into submission. This was a huge accomplishment when you see just how many of us there were.

You see, kids, Hugh and I...

...and Craig and Janet...

...had a couple of kids who fell in love...

Their union brought together two families...

...and made one, larger family...

...and, when I say larger, I mean larger, because, in addition to the the couple, and their parents and siblings, the families include aunts and uncles and cousins...

...and, grandparents...

...and, all of a sudden, the family resembled a small village, which, let's be honest; is exactly what a young couple needs if they are to thrive.

Sadly, there ae no grandparents on Shanti's side of the village, but;  Oscar, Emily, and Mom have done their very best to fill the gap they left behind.

Ten years ago, this weekend, we were reeling with the sudden loss of my Dad; he left behind a gap in our lives, as well. I wish he had been with us to witness the blending of our two families, and to take his place in the village, but I have to believe that he was at the wedding in spirit, and none of it would have been possible had he not fallen for a skinny cheerleader over sixty years ago.

That's the funny thing about families; they all start with the love of two people...and the love of the four people before them...and the love of the eight people before them...and on and on...


And, aren't we lucky to have so many of them in the pictures from this wedding?

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