This morning, I woke up bright and early. I didn't mean to wake up bright and early; I meant to sleep in, it is the weekend, after all.
But, since I was already up, I decided to hit some local yard sales. Everyone knows that the good stuff goes early at yard sales, so, if you want to find treasure, you best roll at dawn. So, roll at dawn, I did.
I scored at the first sale I stopped at, which was fortuitous, considering that I didn't find a single thing at any of the other sales I visited.
I got an antique phone, for a really good deal. The man who sold it to me said that it came out of an office at one of the silver mines in Ouray, which I thought was pretty cool. I like knowing the history of the items I purchase.
This is the phone, all cleaned up and ready to hang...
...and this is what it looked like when I first spied it.
There was a train set at the sale that reminded me of the set that was my Dad's; Mom gifted it to me a number of Christmases ago and, someday, I hope to be able to display it, somehow.

I spotted this dancing gopher on a table nearby and seriously considered getting it as a gag gift for Hugh (he loves Caddyshack), but ultimately passed.
Since the rest of the yard sales were a bust, I decided to stop by the Flea Market in Petticoat Junction. Sadly, it was also a bust, but I did see some interesting things there (just not anything that I wanted or needed).
Ok, I
kind of wanted this guy, but I showed an uncharacteristic degree of self-control, and passed on it.
Someone must have cleaned out their grandmother's house, because there was an entire set of Gone With the Wind collector's plates from the Danbury Mint. This would become a theme later that morning, when I went to the local Habitat for Humanity Restore and saw a full set of Norman Rockwell plates, also from the Danbury Mint.
If I still had a functioning cassette player, I might have been tempted to buy a few cassettes from the 80's, but, alas, I do not, so I did not.
One of the sales that I stopped at took place at one of Hooterville's most historic homes, and I was hoping to find some serious treasure there. Sadly, I was mistaken. The house, itself, is pretty awesome, though, and, if the vintage truck parked outside to advertise the sale had actually been available; I might have considered buying it. Sadly, it was not for sale, and Hugh is out of town and would probably have had a stroke if he came home to a vintage farm truck parked in the driveway, anyway.
Can't have that.
By the time I'd hit all the sales, and the Restore, I was famished. I had been craving oatmeal, so I ran through the Starbucks drive-through. Fun fact: the oatmeal is not listed on the menu at the drive-through; it's available, just not listed.
Another fun fact: while at the Restore, I saw this full-sized wine fridge and I may have peed myself a little. Could you imagine having a full-sized wine fridge that you just casually donated to Habitat for Humanity?
Rich people are not like you and me (unless you're reading this and are rich, in which case you probably think it is perfectly natural to donate last season's wine fridge model to make room for this season's model. You do you, boo).
Anyhoodle, other than my new, awesome phone, I also picked up a clock at The Salvation Army Thrift store; it's just creepy enough to fit in with my Halloween decor (photos coming soon)...
...and I found this awesome vintage Sunkist orange juicer at one of the antique stores in Hooterville. I love vintage jadeite and am always on the lookout for new pieces.
And, that's how I spent my Saturday morning. Instead of sleeping in, which would have also been nice.
Just saying.
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