Thursday, May 15, 2008

At Least We Didn't Freeze

Although still a bit chilly, the weather at last night’s baseball game was positively steamy compared to that of the nights before. And, we won the game. Unfortunately, the Man-Cub got hit by the pitcher while batting. Twice. And, hard. He took it like a champ, though, going on to score both times, once with a magnificent slide at home plate. The slide was of the sort that made every mother in the crowd wince and a collective, “oohhh…” went up like a chant to the heavens. When the Cub jumped up, dusted himself off and turned to wave at the crowd, the “oohhh was replaced with cheering the likes of which have not been heard since the Beatles touched down at JKF.

Or so, I’ve heard; I’m not that old.

In completely different news; tonight, Hugh and I are splitting our parenting duties so that one of us can be with each of the children at their school activities; the Man-Cub has his spring music program and The Girl is playing her flute at the High School Baccalaureate ceremony. Since Hugh wormed his way out of attending her band concert last week, it only seemed fitting that he attend the baccalaureate, leaving me to attend the Cub’s event. Having learned my lesson at The Girl's concert, I have secured my emergency stash of cotton balls for the Cub's program; they may not stop my ears from bleeding but they will soak up the mess before any embarrassing staining can occur.

Speaking of bleeding ears, I briefly toyed with the idea of suggesting that Hugh take his super-duper-cop-approved-gunshot-silencing-earplugs to the baccalaureate but; I think it will be more fun for him to learn that lesson on his own. More fun for me, that is.

Tonight’s events will bring to a close the school-sanctioned events portion of the program for 2008. With the exception on the Cub’s Field Day next week, I am officially off chaperoning duties until next fall. Can I get an amen?

Now, I just have to decide what in the name of purple pete I am going to do with the Cub over the summer. The Girl has expressed an interest in working at the hardware store again this year and I have a hard time finding a reason to deny her request; she works hard when she is there and is more conscientious, dependable and punctual than some of the adults who work for us. The Cub, however, has no desire to attend the daycare facility that we have used since he was a toddler and, I can’t really blame him, he is almost ten, after all.

This leads me to believe that the best solution to the dilemma is to have The Girl babysit the Cub three days a week while allowing her to work at the store two days a week during which time I will need to find alternate care for the Cub. I am tempted to hire one of The Girl’s friends but, obviously, haven’t made any decision yet.

School ends next Thursday; I’ve got plenty of time, right?


1 comment:

  1. I hope both you and Hugh enjoyed the concerts.

    Good luck finding something for the cub in the summer. I like that your daughter wants to work. :)
