Saturday, December 03, 2011

25 Days of Christmas, Day 3: Mint Chocolate Fudge

It snowed six inches last night; I officially feel like the holiday season is upon us.

Unfortunately, while the snow looks super-pretty and goes a long way in melting my cold Grinch heart; the Man-Cub's basketball team is traveling in it to a ski town several hours away for their league tournament; I'm never comfortable with my kids being on snowy roads, especially not in crappy little school buses but, there it is.

I would have driven to the tournament, myself, but; The Teenager's Christmas tree sale is today and I already promised that I would replenish the hot cocoa supply throughout the day. Also, I suck at the winter driving so; it is best that I stay off the roads lest I become a problem for myself and for others.

Instead, I will try to get more baking done, you know, in between hot cocoa runs. Last night, despite being in the latter stages of a Migraine, I managed to put together a pan of fudge; because I am in running for Sainthood.

Not really; the fudge is super-simple to make, taking all of four minutes. The people who eat it, however? Will never know how simple it is considering how rich and delectable it is; I promise. And, after one bite, you, too, can declare your bid for Sainthood.

Mint Chocolate Fudge

1 pkg. Nestle Dark chocolate & Mint morsels
1 pkg. Semi-Sweet chocolate morsels (whatever brand you happen to like)
1 can Sweetened condensed milk (I use fat free. Because that totally cancels out the calories in all that chocolate, I mean, obviously)

Pour morsels and condensed milk into microwavable bowl. Melt on high for 3 minutes. Stir to combine. Pour into 8x8" baking pan, lined with wax paper. Refrigerate until firm, cut into squares. Freezes beautifully.

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