Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Fall Home Tour 2020

 I haven't done a home tour since last Christmas, which, considering the glacial pace of this year, feels like forever ago, so; when I purchased some items that will go into this year's awesome Halloween yard display later this month, it occurred to me that I might just want to document the fact that I did, indeed decorate for the current season.

Makes sense, right?

So, without further preamble, I bring you Casa de Chelle, Autumn Edition.

We'll start on the porch, where the traditional autumn palette of burnished oranges, yellows, and golds, has been replaced by muted hues including peach, aqua, and cream. It's totally on trend, and I'm not hating it, despite having literally three totes full of more traditional decor in the attic (Hugh just sighed the sigh of a million small deaths).

I carried the trendy palette into the house, as well, but, will replace it with traditional colors once Thanksgiving rolls around (You know,  just as soon as the last of the Halloween decorations are returned to their proper storage space. And, again, Hugh sighs).

I changed out my seasonal chalkboard, too. It's not my best work, but, I'm keeping it  (Because I'm lazy).

As you can see, I didn't get too carried away this year. I blame that on my recent lack of energy and I can't even feel bad about it.

I'm saving myself for Halloween.


  1. Oh my goodness, I love it all! This is a similar color palette to what I use in our home.

  2. I love your home! Your porch is so inviting! Thanks for linking up!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. Oh my goodness, your porch is a dream! Thanks so much for linking up!
