Friday, July 01, 2022

The Mountains Are Calling and I Must Go

It. Has. Been. A. Week.

I am down an advocate at Not So New Job and my back-up advocate is on a long-scheduled vacation, which means that I have been doing double-duty as an advocate while also organizing a golf tournament, gathering data for grant reports, writing said grant reports, wrapping up the loose ends from the concert fundraiser from two weeks ago, and interviewing and hiring (Praise Jesus!) a new advocate who will start next week.

All of this in what has turned out to be the busiest week we've had so far this year. Thank God for the new therapist that I recently hired; she's jumped in feet-first and really helped by taking crisis stabilization duties off my plate while my awesome FI Coordinator took on extra duties as well; I could not have made it through this week without them.

All this to say that Mama is ready for a staycation! And, by staycation, I mean a jaunt to the forest in my own backyard; Hugh, both sets of Newlyweds, and I are loading up the campers and heading out later today.

I. Cannot. Wait.

Wagons, ho!

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