We are closing in on the finishing line! I know it's been a lot of posts about the wedding and I thank anyone who has stuck around long enough to read them all. I would like to say that this will be the final post on the subject, but we are still waiting for the bulk of the photographer's pictures, so I would be lying; I'll definitely want to post professional shots.
In the meantime, this post is about the reception. Who doesn't love a fun wedding reception?
The fun kicked off with the unique and individualized entrances made by the wedding party. I would post videos of them, but I print this blog each year and videos don't translate well in print. You'll just have to take my word for it when I say that each performance was entertaining.
Once Shanti and the Man-Cub had time to make the rounds, thanking their guests for attending; it was time for their first dance, which, we also captured on video, but of which there are a plethora of photos, thankfully.
Shanti's dance with her dad was sweet and touching. He's a pretty stoic guy, so the emotions he displayed the whole day were especially poignant.
My dance with the Cub went by in a blur, but I recall having a pretty emotional conversation with him as we swayed to "Humble and Kind", by Tim McGraw. There may have been tears. Ok, there were tears. Not just mine and the Cub's, I might add; The Girls were all weeping as was Miss Shelley, who watched the Cub grow up side-by-side with Second Son Mikey.
After the dances, there was plenty of time for mingling with the guests before joining the line for the taco bar. I missed taking pictures with a lot of people, and I'm sad about that. But I did get some shots of a lot of our friends and family who attended.
As the night went on, I was able to capture a quick shot of the Cub and Mom. Mom had been secretly working with her physical therapist in order to be able to dance with the Cub and it was just about the sweetest thing, ever.
The Cub also danced with Emily, and I think she enjoyed the attention.
But I think she was even more happy to dance with her favorite partner.

The rest of the evening included more dancing, visiting, and imbibing. Lots and lots of imbibing.

Then it was time to cut the cake. I begged the Cub not to smash the first slice into Shanti's face, but apparently they had an agreement and they both went for the smash with gusto.
Kids. Am I right?
Just before leaving the reception for the private after-party (youngsters, only), the kids changed into their custom track suits.
Then it was a quick dash through a sparkler send-off and they jumped in the classic car that Oscar and Emily drove. It was the perfect send-off, even if the DJ didn't get the memo about the outfit change and a lot of people lit their sparklers before the kids made their dash to the car.
Once the kids were gone, the crowd thinned out pretty quickly, so we were able to start the cleanup. It didn't take long at all, and before we knew it; it was time to say goodbye to our new in-laws.
Shanti's mom asked me if this marriage means we are now sisters, and I said "absolutely". I can't think of anyone else that I could be happier about sharing my son with.
Next up: material totally unrelated to the wedding. Probably. Maybe.
We'll see 😊
I love their after party track suits! It sounds like such a fun time.