Hopefully, You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks
Before the holidays, I was invited to join a Bunco club. I’ve never actually played Bunco before but, the woman who invited me to join the club assured me that it is really easy to learn and a lot of fun to play and, since my current social calendar consists of dates with my couch, the remote control and my good friends, Ben & Jerry; I did not hesitate to accept the invitation.
So, tonight, I will attend my first Bunco party and I am really looking forward to it, especially after several other people assured me that a retarded monkey could learn the game; if the monkeys with special needs can do it, so can I.
After all, I am at least as smart as a retarded monkey. And, I smell better, for sure.
You will have a BLAST.. if the ladies are fun you are set..and if I CAN DO it you will be a PRO!!! lol have fun!!