It Only Hurts When I Breathe
Yesterday I attended what I thought was going to be a simple, relaxing yoga class. However, the usual instructor for the class was sick so yogalates was substituted, instead. Yogalates is, as the name implies, a combination of yoga and Pilates, this particular class ran heavier on the Pilates, though. And, by heavier, I mean ohmygod, can we please stop doing Pilates now and do some nice yoga poses, please fortheloveofgod?!
For the record, Pilates, kicks my ass. Honestly, I consider myself to be in fairly decent shape given the numerous beatings that I have endured at the hands of Jillian Michaels and her 30 day torture program but, Pilates, well, Pilates was a whole new level of pain.
I have hope for the future, though; if I stick with the class, I really think I can sculpt my core muscles into steel. Consistency must be the key, after all, there were senior citizens in that class yesterday and, while I was shaking like a leaf in a storm during several of the more advanced poses; they were steady as a rock, not a bead of sweat to be seen and, if the Geritol Crew can do it, so can I, godamnit.
Good luck! I always shake during hard poses too!