Christmas is practically around the corner and I have barely started on my chores. I do have all of my out-of-town presents purchased and I have every intention of having them wrapped, packaged, and, mailed by tomorrow.
I also intend to take our Christmas card pictures later today as well as getting a start on my baking, probably with a couple batches of easy cookies.
We already have the tree up and decorated and the front porch has been decked pretty well. I haven't bothered with my village yet, but, I intend to get around to it, eventually, so; my intentions are good.
You know where the path of good intentions usually leads, right?
Also, if I have to re-drape the garland on the bottom of the tree one more time; we might be two kitties short by Christmas. I swear, it's like having toddlers; we can't hang ornaments on the lower quarter of the tree, the tree skirt is constantly in a state of rumpleness, and, one of the little bastards (FINNIGAN) has diligently attempted to unwrap one of the two presents under the tree since they went under it last week. And, it isn't even his present!
Bah, humbug!
In brighter news, the Man-Cub's basketball team took second place at yesterday's league tournament. In even brighter news, that means the end of the season and a return to some free evenings and weekends! Winners, all around!
The Fearsome Foursome would have you know that they, too, are excited about this turn of events.
With all the free time that we are now about to have, we should be able to pull off yet another grand family Christmas. And, by "we", you know I mean "I". Because of course I do.
24 days to go, my friends. The clock is ticking.
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