Monday, March 18, 2013

The Return of Bleacher Butt

We traveled over hill and dell to attend the Man-Cub's first basketball tournament this past weekend. And, by we, I mean, the Cub and I as both Hugh and The Teenager were working at their respective jobs.

As an aside, The Teenager got her first paycheck and she immediately took it to the bank, where she put all but $23 into her savings account. Neither Hugh nor I asked her to do that, so, I am impressed with her maturity.

Anyway, the Cub and I drove to his games which gave us lots of time to chat. I got a glimpse into the teenage boy's mind and it is a dark and scary place. Ok, not really.

The boys played games on both Saturday and Sunday, and, while they didn't win, they had a good time playing. Also, their skills are improving, which, is kind of the point.

I really enjoy watching the Cub and his friends play. I enjoy spending time with the other parents, and, I like getting the opportunity to spend time with the boys off the court; their minds may not be dark and scary places but, man, are they strange.

In a good way.

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