Thursday Thirteen, edition Nine:
Thirteen Favorite Things About My Hometown
1. The small of the rain on newly cut alfalfa.
2. The neon yellow of the canola Fields.
3. The slow pace.
4. The fact that people wave at passing cars even though they don't know who is in them.
5. Happy hour at the Sonic Drive-In.
6. The running path around the park.
7. Having the opportunity to catch up with old friends.
8. My parent's backyard.
9. My parents, but; that goes without saying.
10. Watching the squirrels that live in the ancient tree in my parents front yard while drinking a cup of coffee that I didn't have to make.
11. The fact that my kids can walk to the park, the playground at the school, the snow cone shack down the block or to the golf course without my having to worry about them in the least.
12. The quaintness of Main Street.
13. The fact that it will always be home.
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Oh, I wanna go... sounds so pleasant. Enjoy your visit!