Friday, June 03, 2011

You Know You Live in a Small Town When...

...the tellers at the bank know that oatmeal raisin is your favorite cookie and they have it ready and waiting for you on Cookie Friday....

...people on the street know your bicycle and call it by name, like, say, Lulu... step out the front door and are greeted by the sight of your son playing one-on-one with his Middle School science teacher in your drive-way...

...the sandwich artist at Subway knows that your son will want his ham toasted, that your husband will request extra banana peppers on his BMT and, that you won't want cheese on your turkey sub before you can even say a word... arrive home after work to find a houseful of teenagers and they are actually happy to see you...

...everyone knows that you donated paint to the Senior class so that the teenagers could start a new tradition of painting a giant O on the hillside in town park instead of risking their necks painting grafifiti on the highway the night before graduation and they all stop in to say thank you...

...Porch Night has evolved into an open-invitation event, drawing people from all walks of life and you wouldn't have it any other way.

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