Saturday, January 26, 2013

Not To Worry

So, I spoke with the insurance company and a very friendly account representative assured me that my claim had been declined simply because the insurance company required additional information from the hospital, but! Not to worry! The claim had already been reprocessed and a payment had been made to the hospital. What's that? Could she tell me how much that payment was for? Well, no, but! Not to worry! Sometimes the company and providers go back and forth several times before the bill is finally settled. Not to worry!

As you can imagine, I was only marginally comforted by the exchange.

In other "not to worry" news, the dreaded winter slump has set in at the store; sales are slow and utility bills are high. But! Not to worry! Spring is right around the corner! The economy is improving; Obama says so!

I am even less than marginally comforted by those assurances, let me tell you.

So...what am I genuinely not worried about these days? Well, my day job, for one. It is going so much better than I ever could have imagined. I mean, for having not a single qualification nor clue about the field going into this thing; I am totally rocking this shit. I am even more shocked by this turn of events than my boss; silly woman actually had "a feeling" about me from the get-go.

I am also not worrying about my offspring these days; they are both doing so well in school and are so much fun to have around, I can't even brag enough about how much I like them. I mean, it goes without saying that I love them, but, liking them is such a nice treat, and; one that I no longer take for granted after witnessing the family dynamics in a sad portion of the population I work with at Day Job.

Speaking of bragging on my kids; the Man-Cub was chosen to participate on a team of students that will be designing and building an aquatic robot. When the robot is complete, the team will compete against other teams, navigating their robots through an underwater maze at the pool in Hooterville. It's quite an honor for the Cub and he is so excited about the process; "we get to solder the wires for the motherboard and everything, mom!".

I'm excited for him.

In teenager news, the girl has been chosen as yearbook editor for next year. She received the honor based on her work on the yearbook this year and I could not be more proud. She is also working diligently on the prom committee, building sets and auditioning DJs and generally enjoying the process.

All in all, my worries are far out shadowed by the bright spots in my life, so; I can't complain. And, it feels really good to be able to recognize that during the drab days of winter; I'm not sure I could have pulled that off in years past.


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