To make a long story (700 pages, front and back long, to be exact) short...
Actual application, no shit organization failed to pass the accreditation process that I have been working on since I started the job back in February, which, coincidentally, was the first time I heard the above-mentioned quote.
We failed by one element of one standard.
I do have a short grace period in which to remedy the one element before we are no longer eligible for funding, and of course I already have a plan to do so, but, fuck. I am so over this.
On the bright side (remember the days when I started with the bright side?), my team presented me with these flowers earlier this week, in honor of Boss's Day. Having never been a boss, I had no idea such as thing existed. I was duly humbled.
I will now stop bitching about the 300 - 400 page reports I get to do. Sheesh!