Friday, October 22, 2021

Friday Favorites

This will be a quick one; Hugh flew to North Carolina this morning for a wrestling tournament, so I took the day off to revel in the novelty of having no one to take care of, nowhere to be, and nothing to do. Sloth is my favorite of the seven deadlies (gluttony is a close second).

This candle is my favorite seasonal scent. It screams Halloween to me. Unfortunately, it can only be purchased on the Fragrant Jewels website and it isn't exactly inexpensive. It does come with a ring embedded in the wax, so there's that, I guess. It also burns a hella long time; I've had this particular one for several years and I've burned it for the entire month of October each time; it is only now nearing the end of it's wax and wicks (so, of course I ordered another one; expense be damned!).

Another Halloween favorite is my new coffee mug. It holds a two full cups of coffee and is super cute.

The view from my office lately has been especially pretty. Of course, just moments after I snapped this picture, the wind kicked up and scattered the leaves across the lawn. No worries! Leaves crunching underfoot is anotger favorite for this time of year.

As the month nears its end, so does our virtual 5K at Not So New Job. The kids all participated and the pictures they sent are favorites, for sure.

Lastly, I discovered this tea recently. It isn't a fall flavor at all; more like a Christmas blend, but, I am enjoying the heck out of it and, Christmas is just 10 Saturdays away, so...

(yep, 10 Saturdays away. You're welcome for that reminder)

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