Sunday, October 03, 2021

We Did the Bash, We Did the Broomstick Bash

It's not officially the Halloween season until I host a themed party on the porch; last night was the night! I invited a handful of friends to come over for a coven party, despite not actually, you know, being in a coven. Halloween is the time for dress-up and make-believe, after all.

And, dress up we did!

We also danced beneath the moonlight, cast a few spells , hexed  an enemy or two, and crafted a few potions in my cauldron. Just kidding! We noshed on both hot and cold snackies, caught up on each other's lives, and generally enjoyed one another's company.

I wish I had taken more pictures of us in our awesome costumes, but, alas, I was too busy having fun. That seems to be a theme of most Porch Nights, so I don't know why I am surprised. No worries; we'll always have the memories.

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