Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Don’t You Just Hate It….

….when work gets in the way of your social life? Or, in my case, in the way of your hobby? There will be no update tomorrow as I will be conducting an all-day training; I’m so excited! NOT.

I probably won't update on Friday, either. Not because of work but, because I actually have a social life (shuddup! I do, too!); Hugh and I are headed to Denver for the weekend. We are staying here and are seeing this.

The cost of which makes the whole having a job thing a little less distasteful, I must admit.

Have a happy Memorial Day weekend, y’all!


  1. You're staying at the Brown Palace? Lucky! And Wicked is awesome, I saw it the last time it came through. Just awesome. Have a wonderful time in my fair city; with luck it will warm up and dry out by Friday.

  2. Have fun this weekend! I'm so green with envy, I have wanted to see Wicked forever!

  3. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Hope you had a great trip!

    I am spotlighting your blog this weekend on Spotlight Sundays. Drop by for your uber terrific sidebar bling!

  4. Have a great time! I came over from Dana's blog!
