Monday, June 08, 2009


We finally had a smidgen of decent weather this weekend, mostly on Saturday which; worked out quite well for us since we went boating.

We didn’t fare as well at Friday night’s baseball game, where the wind howled and sent giant, rolling waves of dust across the infield and outfield, blinding and choking our boys but; we still managed to pull up from behind, losing by a mere two runs to a team that had handed our asses to us on a platter at a previous game this season. So, the improvement continues.

As I said, the weather Saturday was a lot more accommodating, not that we could have predicted it upon waking to dark clouds, cool temperatures and that ever-present wind but; we agreed to take our chances, loaded up the boat, the dog and the children and ventured to the lake.

Happily, the winds died down almost immediately upon our launch and, once we found a quiet little cove in which to anchor, we had several hours of sunshine during which Hugh and the children fished and I read a trashy novel from the library.

Once we were certain the weather would hold, the children braved the chilly water long enough to ride the tube behind the boat and the Teenager and the Man-Cub made their first attempts at wake boarding; both of them doing a serviceable job for first-timers.

Kaz, who was spending the weekend with us, was not interested in knee-boarding but I think she had a good time watching the Teenager‘s repeated face-plants and belly-flops into the water, as one would.

After a long day on the lake, we headed home, stopping for take-n-bake pizza along the way. Somewhere between the pizza place and home, we hit upon the idea to go to the drive-in to catch a double feature so; a quick inhaling of the pizza, a hurried cleaning of the boat and a stop for inexpensive movie candy and, there we were.

The movies were Star Trek (eh) and Angels and Demons (again, eh). Hugh and I managed to stay awake through both movies but, the kids were comatose in the back of the Tahoe before Kirk met Spock-boating all day having tuckered them out more efficiantly than a sedative.

(which is good to know for future reference)

Sunday was a lazy day at home. The weather was nice enough for me to work in my garden and the kids released this year’s hoard of aphid-eating ladybugs at dusk. Hopefully, they will find plenty of bad bugs to eat and the majority of them will stick around although, I’m guessing that at least some of them will need to move on to greener pastures-there were 2,000 of them after all.

So, all in all, it was a nice weekend. I’m hoping for good weather the rest of the week because I have Porch Night planned for Jana’s birthday and blustery weather does not fit into my Grand Plan. On the other hand, some of our neighbors over the mountains experienced actual tornados this weekend so, maybe I should just quit my bitching about the wind and clouds and count my blessings and; I will.

Right after Porch Night.

On a totally unrelated topic, last night, while Hugh and I were preparing dinner, there was a knock at the front door. When I answered it, there was a handsome young man on the porch, asking to see the Teenager. The Teenager joined the handsome (tallish, dark hair, blue eyes, skater-boy) young man on the porch for a few minutes than came back inside. When I inquired as to who the young man might be; she dismissed him offhandedly as a friend from school who just happened to be in the neighborhood and was bored so, thought he would stop by and say “hey”.

I may have been born at night but, I wasn’t born yesterday; that boy has a little crush and I told the Teenager so in as many words. I also mentioned that I thought he was quite cute to which she shrieked, Gross!! Mom! Eww! He’s just a friend!

Me thinks she doth protest too much.

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