Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Let the Wild Rumpus Begin, Take Two

Ok, so that didn't happen. The beginning of the baking, I mean. Despite my careful planning, the inventorying of the necessary ingredients and the liberal application of the mental coaching required to get the baking juices flowing, I neglected to factor in one very important thing when coordinating The Start of the Holiday Baking Extravaganza: the fact that I had a fundraising dinner to attend and would be unavailable to, you know...bake.

Ingredients and motivation are important; physical presence is crucial.

Sooo...I carefully checked my social calendar and I find myself completely available to begin the Extravaganza tonight. Barring that pesty exhaustion thing, obviously. Oh! And the possibility that I planned something else and forgot to write in in the social calendar.

As an aside, the Old Timers disease does run in my family.

I'm just sayin'.

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