Monday, September 13, 2010

M-O-N-D-A-Y, S-U-C-K-S, Sung To the tune of the Mickey Mouse Song.

This past weekend was so nice, the weather was gorgeous, I didn’t have to work and, with Hugh in San Francisco (Stanford to attend a clinic for college wrestling officials) for the weekend and in Las Vegas (Fall Market for the store) for the majority of this week; I had a chance to spend some quality alone time with the remote control.

Oh, and with my kids. In fact, the Man-Cub and I spent all day Saturday together while The Teenager was traveling with the volleyball team. The two of us attended our community’s annual Airport appreciation Day before driving to Neighboring City for a shopping excursion that lasted longer than any shopping trip I have been on in quite some time yet; I didn’t spend that much money. Hugh would be so proud.

One purchase I did make was a DVD copy of Diary of a Wimpy Kid which the Cub and I proceeded to watch and which caused us both to laugh until our sides hurt. Then, the Cub went to spend the night at his friend’s house, leaving The Teenager and me to spend Sunday morning together, watching and, in my case, rewatching, the movie. We all give it an enthusiastic two thumbs up.

During the day, Hugh texted us pictures of a store that specializes in salt water taffy, a photo showing barrel upon barrel of scrumptious taffy goodness and, we were justifiably jealous. In retaliation, we went to our favorite Chinese restaurant for dinner. Then, the kids went to bed and I watched the season finale of True Blood which was mostly meh, except for the part where Jason Stackhouse was awesome. And, you know, hot.

Which, brings us to today.


Monday; two days worth of receipts, payroll, bills to pay, a kitten that has recently developed an Attitude and hours on my feet, a mad-dash to the Man-Cub's football practice, the age-old question of what the hell to make for dinner and the discovery of  cat puke on the living room carpet. Yep, I hate Monday.

Thank goodness tomorrow is Tuesday, which is followed by Wednesday which is the day my husband comes home; I've missed him ever so much and, you know, he's bringing taffy.

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