Monday, September 06, 2010

Please Sir, I’d Like Some More

There were several reasons why Hugh and I chose to get married on Labor Day weekend but, the fact that it offered three-days in which to celebrate was at the top of the list and, like the weekend seventeen years ago; we used each of the three days to our advantage this year.

Saturday afternoon we watched The Teenager’s volleyball team trounce their competition then, Saturday night, Hugh and I attended a performance of Oliver! at our local community theater after which we ran through the Taco Bell drive-through, because tacos are theater food and we are classy that way.

Ok, not really but, our local Taco Bell has been closed for renovations for the past several months and only just recently reopened; Hugh needs his Taco Bell fix on a regular basis and the kindest thing I could do for him on our anniversary was to indulge his habit which, I realize, makes me an enabler to his addiction but; as long as he continues to look the other way when I pick up the latest bottle of OPI, who am I to judge?

Latest bottle, by the way? Diva of Geneva and The Color to Watch and, yes, I do realize that makes two bottles; what part of addiction do you not understand?

And, I digress.

Sunday we spent the day lazing around the house, watching movies on DVD and munching on our favorite pizza-a Mediterranean chicken number that positively curls my toes-and drinking chilled white wine while I admired the vase of roses that my husband purchased for me in a bid to receive sexual favors. He was the only highest bidder but, this is a family blog so I’m not going to go into detail about what happened next, YOU’RE WELCOME, FAMILY.

Today, we are continuing the trend toward laziness, at least until the children have to leave to attend volleyball and football practices. Later, Hugh and I are going to wrap up our anniversary weekend with a visit to our favorite fancy restaurant where we will toast our marriage and say goodbye to the summer since, sadly, this weekend signals its ultimate end.

Not that we wouldn’t like more, because we would. More afternoons spent reading on the porch with a glass of iced tea.

More hot days spent on the lake.

More fresh vegetables from our own backyard (although, I should mention that the garden has somewhat rebounded from its near-death experience and I now have seven, count ‘em, seven, butternut squash ripening on the vine).

More family vacations.

More opportunities to see old friends.

And to entertain new ones.

Ah well, all good things must come to an end, otherwise, how would we appreciate their return?

So, goodbye until next time, Summer. We'll miss you.

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