March! March! March! The first official day of spring!
Shut up, it is in my house.
And, it's finally here! We'll see slightly longer days which means more hours of sunlight which means I will be able to get outside in the fresh air and will finally be able to shake off this godawful funk; making me ten times less likely to start shooting random strangers with a Nerf Gun from the roof of our house, yay!
Oh, March, how I love you! I'm even willing to overlook the wind that you inevitably bring to the party, in fact, I'll make the best of it; I'll fly a kite or something.
Kites, wow. I haven't thought about flying kites in years; my day is already so much brighter just thinking about that.
And, speaking of brighter things, The Teenager had a big day yesterday; she got her braces off. She went from this....
to this....
...and she could not be more pleased. Her new smile brightens my day almost as much as the coming of spring.
To add to my happiness; Finnigan continues to show improvement. He is back to jumping and running and launching himself from great heights. Do I worry that such activity could be bad for a cat with a suspected heart defect? Sure. Am I going to do anything to curtail his normal feistiness? Not on your life; he's happy. And, that'll do.
Also, Spellcheck does not recognize feistiness in any way, shape or form. Spellcheck needs to get out more.
And, speaking of getting out, I went to a get-together with the Porch Night Ladies last night. We gathered at the home of one of the ladies for a Mexican feast, sangria and good conversation. I have missed the Ladies and we are all looking forward to the coming of summer and a re-opening of the porch, which, will happen so much sooner now that spring has arrived.
Shut up, it has in my house.
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