Monday, July 09, 2012

We ALLLLLL Bundle...

Friday's thunderstorms were not repeated throughout the weekend; I was sort of disappointed, to be honest. I made the best of the sunshine, though; I did cool things like weeding the garden (oooh, ahhh), catching up with my tan lines, and, watching The Teenager play volleyball at a scrimmage tournament held in Hooterville.

It. Was. So. EXCITING!

Then, yesterday, Jana came over and we watched Crazy Stupid Love. Actually, I forced Jana to watch the movie so that she would understand, appreciate, and-ultimately-come to share my opinion that Ryan Gossling would make a decent Christian Grey when Hollywood gets around to casting the movie version of the book*.

My plan was a total success and Jana is now totally on board with my casting choice. Granted, I did have to send her home with the DVD of Drive so that she would have a better idea of the Gossling's range as an actor since she insisted on asking me ridiculous questions such as: Can he act angry? Can he seem protective? Is he capable of projecting both smoldering looks and a sweet tenderness masked by a veneer of hubris and conceit? Which, was sort of exhausting (Just between you and me, though? Jana would make a killer casting director.), but; we are now of one mind in this regard.

Hey, maybe you would like to come to my house so that I may brainwash you into agreeing with me as well? I'm a great hostess like that.

Speaking of brainwashing; I see in today's celebrity news that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have arrived at a divorce agreement a mere week after Katie blindsided Tom by filing. According to the report, Katie got everything she was asking for in the agreement which leads me to wonder; just what, exactly, does she have on him?

It. Must. Be. HUGE.

My theory? He's a leprechaun. A GAY leprechaun.

Would you like to come over to my house and we can talk about it? I bet you'll agree with me before you leave, because; this is an even easier sell than Ryan Gossling as Christian Grey, for sure.

*What book; you ask? Fifty Shades of Grey, of course. What rock have you been living under?

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