When the taxi (hailed with such enthusiasm by Midge) dropped us off at Notre Dame, we were all blown away by the architecture and massive scale of the cathedral, and, that was from the
outside. The inside was absolutely breathtaking and humbling.
As soon as we entered the church, we were greeted with the familiar smell of incense and with the sense of peace that only being in a place of worship can provide. We unknowingly timed our arrival for moments before mass started and were able to experience part of the service. Although the mass was being said in French, it felt familiar, which, was a surprise.
I did my best to capture the beauty of the church in photos, but, I am no professional. I did manage to leave with a few favorites, however.
The only disappointment that we encountered was the line that stretched around the block, preventing us from accessing the upper stories of the cathedral, where Barbie had been hoping to get a closer look at the famed gargoyles of Notre Dame. But, the wait would have put us in a time crunch since we had reservations at The Moulin Rouge later that evening, so we had no choice but to skip it.
I guess Barbie will just have to plan a return trip; I'm sure she would be willing to make the sacrifice.
Up next: The Moulin Rouge!
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