Monday, July 20, 2015

Take Care

Another summer weekend, come and gone.


At least we had some fun, and, for once, I am not being sarcastic when I say it like that. Oh, we had our fair share of housework, yard work, bookkeeping, bill paying, grocery shopping, and other general drudgery, but, we also got to spend an afternoon on the lake with Hugh's siblings and their families.

Hugh doesn't get a lot of opportunities to see his brother, who lives in Maine, or his sister, who resides in Illinois, so, their visit is an especially nice treat, and; Hugh wanted to do it up right, which, basically means that he took it pretty easy on their children when he pulled them around the lake on the tube. Indeed, the only minor mishap occurred when two of Hugh's nephews bumped heads during an especially turbulent moment. Otherwise, no dramatic wipe-outs or anything.

I'm not entirely certain Hugh's siblings understand the degree of restraint that Hugh was required to employ.

Ok, except for that one time...

...otherwise, smiles all around.

See, siblings? Your children are totally safe with your brother...totally safe...

The family will be spending a bit more time together this week, including dinner at Oscar and Emily's and Porch Night, at our house.

I'm glad that Hugh gets this chance to see them; if this year has taught me anything, it is to treasure the time that we have with family.

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