Tuesday, June 21, 2016

2016 Summer Bucket List

Yesterday was the summer equinox, or, as it is more commonly known, the first day of summer. I spent it at home, recovering from a migraine headache that started sometime during the night, causing me to miss the window of opportunity in which my prescription medication would be effective in stopping the headache.

That's...not really the way I wanted to start the summer.

Happily, I still have a couple of months in which to do summer up right; here is what I hope to accomplish, experience, and enjoy.

1.  Eat my weight in locally grown cherries (I am well on my way with this one-Jana brought a bag of cherries from her tree on to the boat this past weekend and I ate them all).

2.  Host at least three Porch Nights.

3.  Churn a batch of homemade ice cream.

4.  Celebrate the 4th of July on the lake, with good friends.

5.  Get our annual photo of the children in the spillway of the lake dam.

6.  Do Stampede in a way that would make my dad proud.

7.  Finally have the star gazing party that Jana and I originally planned several years ago.

8.  Take the kids to the drive-in.

9.  See the following movies: Captain America: Civil Wars, X-Men: Apocalypse, Finding Dory (The Man-Cub's pick), Independence Day: Resurgence, The Legend of Tarzan, Ghostbusters, and Bad Moms. It's going to be the Summer of Movies, y'all!

10. Grow the perfect San Marzano tomato in my garden. At least one. Hopefully more, but, at least one, so help me, God.

11. Finally perfect the "beachy wave" hairstyle;  while I have managed to nail"lakeside stringy", it is soooo unflattering.

12. Photograph the perfect sunrise and sunset.

13. Tour the wineries outside of Neighboring City.

14. Spend a day at the pool with the kids.

15. Drink my morning coffee on the porch as often as possible.

Summer, 2016, here I come!

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