The next three months are going to be ridiculously busy; the events leading up to the Man-Cub's graduation are insane in number and effort required, but, I am going to do my best to keep up as well as trying to squeeze in some other goals. This list is going to be a lot more ambitious than last season's list, to be sure.
1. Pull together a team of adults to compete in our annual ASTRA St. Patrick's Day Dodge Ball Tournament. We have been unsuccessful in getting adult participation in the past, but, this year, I am determined to make it happen.
2. Complete the minutiae required to get the Man-Cub set for college in the fall, including the completion of his housing application, scholarship applications, and registration for classes.
3. Attend, and enjoy, all of the Man-Cub's baseball games come Hell or high water. Or, more realistically, come rain, sleet, snow, wind, and hail.
4. Help guarantee that the Man-Cub's senior class has the best Safe Grad Party ever. I am on the Food/Decorations Committee and we already have some pretty cool things planned, so I am optimistic about this one.
5. Make it a point to enjoy every single one of the "lasts" that this year is throwing my way, including Prom, baseball season, the basketball banquet, and every other little thing that I can't recall right now but that will step up and slap me in the face as it arises.
6. Throw the best Senior Sports Banquet the school has ever seen. BCPE and I have already spent a lot of time working on this, along with our fellow Boosters, and, it's safe to say that we are well on our way to awesome.
7. Continue my quest to have the best beach body that I can. This includes following my workout plan, eating well, and sticking to my Lenten obligation of avoiding sweets and soda.
8. Make it through the Man-Cub's graduation without having an emotional breakdown. Throw the kid the best graduation party that I can.
9. Make it a point to do something fun outside of the events surrounding the Cub's senior year. This includes spending time with friends and/or working on hobbies that I enjoy.
Like I said, it's a far more ambitious list than the last one, but, working in my favor are the facts that the days are getting longer, the weather is getting better, and the increased dosage of my thyroid medication is starting to kick in. I think I can manage it all, is what I'm saying.
Plus, I love the springtime. I am looking forward to seeing the tulip, daffodil, and crocus shoots push their way through the ground and to seeing robins at the bird feeders. Soon, I will be blowing the dust off the porch and getting it ready to entertain again, and, the days will be both long enough and warm enough to get me off the treadmill and back on the paths around the local park.
It's been a long winter. Bring on the spring!
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