Friday, October 06, 2017

Friday Favorites: Life Lately Edition

So, what's been going on lately at Casa de Chelle? Other than work, I mean. In short, not a whole lot. I've been walking, as you know. I've been adjusting to not having a yard full of boys when I return home from work each night. I've been texting and Snapchatting my babies, and, I've been finding new and interesting ways to display my eighty million Halloween decorations.

And, that's pretty much it.

Oh, and today, I took a drive in the country to check out the venue for the wedding that I am photographing tomorrow.

Yes, I said wedding.

Remember that item on my Fall Bucket List about challenging myself? Well, a bride and groom challenged me and I accepted. Please say a prayer for sunny skies, calm winds, cooperative subjects, and steady hands for me, will you?

Anyhoodle, while I was on my way to the venue, I ran across a self-serve honey hut, and, since my allergies are currently kicking my ass, and, I'm told that ingesting local pollens will boost immunity to allergens, I decided to stop and grab a jar.

I'm still off sugar, but, a little honey in my tea is always a favorite, and, it shouldn't derail my healthy efforts too much (it's medicinal!).

Let's see, what else is new? Oh, I know! I got my hair did the other night, and, thanks to what may have been a minor miscommunication with my awesome colorist ("Hey! Think we should add a few darker lowlights?), I am now sporting an almost-brunette-again head of hair.

And, lord help me, I like it.

Oh, I know I'll be hating the roots when they come in gray again in three-to-four weeks, but, for right now, I feel like the reflection in the mirror finally matches the vision in my head again.

And, before you say "But, it still has a lot of blond in it", please refresh your memory of what it looked like just a few days ago...'s plenty brunette, now.

Also, isn't Queen B just the cutest? She's a favorite, to be sure.

And, as I said earlier, I have been decorating for Halloween. Eventually, I'll share the official Halloween decoration post, but, for right now, please be assured that the skeletons and I are back in cahoots.

Hugh took this picture and then asked me if this was my new boyfriend, to which I replied: "Don't be silly. We're not Facebook official yet".

It's complicated. Also, he looked a lot taller on his online dating profile.

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