Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Recently, in Proof of Life

The Cub will be home two weeks from today, and, yes, I still require daily Proof of Life.

Recently, Proof has come more from phone calls than anything else-mainly because he is having to make some adult decisions and has required guidance and support, but, also because I think he misses talking to me.

When he's not calling or texting, he is staying in touch through Snapchat. Unlike his mother and his sister (who are faithful to one filter, for the most part), the Cub expresses himself through a variety of Snapchat filters, which is why my collection of screenshots is both varied and entertaining...

...yesterday, in a total departure from the usual selfie-with-a-filter shot, I got this:

So, I immediately responded with this:

As much as I love sparring with my child using technology, it sure will be nice to have him home to spar with in person.

Two more weeks!

And, yes, I shall still require daily Proof of Life right up until the moment he touches down in Neighboring City. That's how I roll, remember?

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