Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday Flashback: Love, in Black and White

The Man-Cub finished school yesterday, The Teenager has a half-day today and then she is done as well. With each milestone the kids achieve, I am reminded of how much fun it has been watching them grow up and, even when they were infants and toddlers and we were struggling through sleepless nights and temper tantrums and near-poverty due to the exorbitant cost of diapers, formula and daycare; they were an awful lot of fun to be around.

The picture above was my very first attempt at black and white photography; the photo hangs on a wall in my home and serves as a reminder of the innocence of my children’s youth, of the bond that they share as siblings and, to me, as tangible evidence of the love that I have for them and for their father.

I see it every day and, every day, I am grateful for the history that we are making, together.

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