Our first stop of the day was The Louvre, where Barbie finally got to see The Mona Lisa and where I spent thirty minutes in line, praying that one of the resident pigeons wouldn't take a crap on my head as they flew over.
Next, we toured the city by open-air taxi before stopping at the Pon des Arts bridge, where we purchased a lock for Mom to leave as a token of her and Dad's lifetime of love.
After lunch and some souvenir shopping, we caught a taxi back to the hotel where we planned to relax until dinner. Little did we know that, in addition to relaxing, we would all be nursing a slight case of whiplash, thanks to the rear-ending our taxi took from another taxi.
This trip has been anything but uneventful.
I will post longer, more detailed, accounts of our adventures when I return home. The stories really are too good not to share.
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