Monday, October 07, 2019

Salvaging the Weekend

Friday's work debacle carried over into both Saturday and Sunday; I am as happy about that as you might imagine, which is to say, not very.

On the bright side, I have now accumulated nine hours to flex with this week, which means that I will be leaving the office early every day this week, as well as taking long walks at some point each morning. This is, of course, assuming that I don't have to deal with the ongoing issue that screwed my weekend to begin with. Time will tell.

Anyway, when my phone wasn't blowing up this weekend, I was enjoying the slightly cooler weather in the local park, where I scouted locations for a family session that I have booked this coming Sunday evening.

Boomer Dog was happy to accompany me, of course. We worked a mini-hike into the scouting, and, I'm happy to say that Boom did great off-leash.

I also worked on the Man-Cub's Halloween care package, hit the local produce stand for more pumpkins, and got my skeletons ready for this year's lawn display (still waiting on Hugh to assist with that; he was off on a wrestling trip).

Yesterday, I had coffee with The Lesbians (full disclosure: I still cringe every time I type that, but, it keeps them happy, and, I always want to keep my readers happy. Hi, girls!). They were on their way to the Apple Festival in a nearby community and wanted to stop in to see my Halloween decorations.

After that, I went to the hardware store to work on payroll. Our windows had been painted earlier in the week, and, I always enjoy seeing them decked out for whatever season we are rolling into. I also love that our window painter always pays homage to my bike, Lulu, somewhere in her design.

Last night, I tried a new recipe for sausage stuffed acorn squash; it was really good, and I can see myself making it again.

All in all, it wasn't a terrible weekend, despite the irritation caused by the constant interruptions from my client, which, I am going to stop bitching about now.

I'll save that for my report to my supervisor later today.

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