Monday, September 19, 2016

Deck the Halls With Tons of Spirit, Fa,La,La,La,La,La,La,La,La!

Yesterday, I met up with the Booster moms to decorate the school hallways for Homecoming. This is always one of my favorite annual activities, and, since this will be my last opportunity to participate (sadness!), I made the absolute most of it.

Several of us are the mothers of Senior football players, so we got together to work on their lockers. We also decorated for the boys whose mothers were unable to be there to decorate for their kid, so, we  ended up with a pretty cool display.

The kids aren't allowed at the school when we are working on the hallways, so they will be completely surprised this morning, when they see them for the first time. I hope they approve.

Kids who previously attended the school are totally allowed to participate, so, QB joined me to work on her brother's locker, as well as decorating the locker of the daughter of friends of ours, who recently transferred to the school.

The hallways took a bit longer to decorate than the lockers; we were minus a ladder, which, slowed things down considerably, but, we managed. We also had more help than we have had in years past, and, more parents showed up to decorate their kids' lockers, which, we attributed to the posts that we made on the Booster Club's Facebook page.

When all was said and done, the school looked great! We are well on the way to celebrating Homecoming.

For the last time.

Oh come on, it's not like you didn't see that coming.

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