Monday, October 12, 2015

Check, Check

This past weekend was productive in many ways; I cleaned house, crafted, did laundry, bought groceries, paid bills at the hardware store (I am partying like a rock star up in here), and still found the time to visit with Jules for a while. One of my goals for October was to reconnect with my friends, so seeing her the past two weekends has been a good start.

Actually, I knocked several additional items off my October goals list over the weekend, including finally making that butternut squash soup that I meant to make last month. I now have more than enough soup with which to stock my freezer for the winter and I used a squash that has been taking up real estate on my countertop for far too long.

So, soup, check.

I also did that craft, using the pumpkins, so, autumn craft, check.

Friday evening, at the football game, I managed to convince the Booster moms that they deserved to be in a picture, so that finally happened. Oh, it isn't a great picture, and we were missing Mikey's mom, who was home with a kidney infection, so, I will be demanding a re-take at some point in time, but, still; Booster moms photo, check.

Extra Booster moms being smartasses photo for good measure, check.

I feel all accomplished and shit. And, I think it is worth saying, I didn't nap once. That might be the best accomplishment, yet.

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